The South Africa Sunday Times July 13, 2008
Three Questions to Natalie Mac Lean about Blogs, South African Wines and Food Pairing, an interview by Neil Pendock
William S Burroughs said that, in a revolution, those who control the media control events. Today, wine blogs seem to be revolutionising wine. Do you agree?
Yes and no. Blogs expand the discussion beyond traditional media, allowing more drinkers and self-appointed critics to comment, but do more opinions mean more democracy or more noise? Most blog postings are not edited the way newspapers or magazines are, and while that can be liberating, it can also be a recipe for inaccuracy and unfairness. Overall, I think blogs are a good thing, but there will be a major shake-out in the next year or so. A few wine blogs will lead in visitor numbers because they will have built a reputation for honesty and good content. (suite…)